typedef struct { float x; float y; } point2D_t; typedef struct { float r; float g; float b; } color_t; void setColor(color_t col); void drawDot(point2D_t pt); void drawLine(point2D_t p1,point2D_t p2); void drawLine(float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2); //n: number of points void drawPolyline(point2D_t pnt[],int n); //n: number of vertices void drawPolygon(point2D_t pnt[],int n); // The function fillPolygon can fills only convex polygons //n: number of vertices void fillPolygon(point2D_t pnt[],int n,color_t color); // The function gradatePolygon can fills only convex polygons // The vertices will be painted with corresponding given colors. // The points inside the polygon will be painted with the mixed color. //n: number of vertices void gradatePolygon(point2D_t pnt[],color_t col[],int num);